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Will your ERC claim pass review?

IRS announces that ERC audits and investigations will intensify.

We’ll Be Your Defense

As stated in IR-2024-78, the IRS is ramping up its enforcement on inaccurate or false ERC claims, leaving many businesses that worked with ERC promoters in jeopardy.
If you have concerns about your ERC claim, the time to act is now, as the IRS plans to send tens of thousands more disallowance letters and audit notices in the coming weeks.
Your claim could be considered fraudulent if your business:

What We Do

Our ERC Controversy Services are tailored to help businesses that may have erroneously claimed the ERC credit.
Many businesses are unaware that their claims are defective due to a horde of unscrupulous providers that misled innocent business owners into falsely overclaiming.
If you have doubts in the validity of your claim, or you are already in audit, our team can help you get the best resolution for your business.

Members of the alliantNational Team:

Our team, composed of world class experts in tax and law, includes five Commissioners as well as other officials, who understand how the IRS approaches fraud and their plans to combat faulty claims.


alliantgroup National Director


alliantgroup National Director


alliantgroup Director of IRS Practice & Procedure


alliantgroup National Director of Tax


alliantgroup Vice Chairman

ERC Controversy Services

Refund Recovery

Wondering where your refund is? Through our decades of experience, we understand the best channels through which to collaborate with the IRS on your claim. Our team will reach out to the Service on your behalf, and work with you to see your claim through to the end.

Remediation Services

Thinking you need to withdraw your claim? Our team, armed with insights from our 9 former IRS executives, understands how to work with the Service to resolve the situation amicably. If you have questions about the withdrawal program, we can help you navigate the process and put you in the best position to avoid possible penalties.

Audit Defense

Already in audit, or concerned you are at risk? Our team can defend your ERC claim. We have decades of experience successfully defending businesses from IRS audits and understand how to follow the letter of the law regarding claims. We can also help resolve issues related to your former provider, including contracts, fees, etc.

Documentation of more than nominal impact

Did your previous ERC provider provide any form of documentation or substantiation that shows how it was tied directly to government mandates? Did you see a quantifiable (10%+) impact to the business? Are you able to demonstrate the nexus between the two?
If you are unaware of any of the above, or have zero documentation tied to your claim, our team can reconduct your study and help you truly evaluate how much benefit your entitled to. This way, you have the documentation you need to defend your claim.

Form 6612

Have you received a 6612 Letter? The IRS has begun sending thousands of 6612 Letters out to businesses who filed an ERC claim following the moratorium last September. Recipients have 30 days to respond or risk a disallowance of their claim. Our team can evaluate your ERC study and help you substantiate your existing claim, as well as highlight discrepancies caused by your previous provider.

Case Studies

See for yourself how we’ve been able to put businesses just like yours at ease with their ERC claims:

Payroll Provider

ERC Mill 4x Overclaim

Our Mission

alliantNational assists CPAs and U.S. businesses alike in navigating difficult tax matters, offering both representation and support while working with IRS and state tax officials.
With insights from our 5 former IRS Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners, our team understands the intent of the Employee Retention Credit and what the Service is looking for to substantiate claims. We have assessed ERC eligibility for over 60,000 business, as well as assisted businesses who went with less reputable providers in rectifying their claims. With our team supporting yours, you can rest assured that you will receive what you are entitled to while following the letter of the law.